Sunday, July 25, 2010


Yeh yeh I know I have been busy and missing... had thought of saying hello but didnt. Man what a roller coaster life is... weird weird stuff... New friends new acquaintances and stuff related.. Never thought of as usual but yaaa experience of lifetime... Finally my gaga and my melodramatic out bursts are done with.. U know its like I have just lost a limb thats how integrated it was.
newazz I feel like laughing when I sit back and think abt the past 2 years of my life, what I mean what am I upto... none make sense. . Dont get it how does my brain still permits me to get involved or may be hold interest in stuff... Amusing...
Bet its gona be better than any comedy u have seen or read. But yeh their's so much of uncertainty over any and everything and somehow testing me again.. Trying to resurrect my thoughts and activities now that I am turning a Quarter of Century, Just want answers and hope they are pleasant.